Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Few Pics of Our Guesthouse Apartment

 This is our bedroom.  Katia's bed is on the left and mine is the orange blanketed one on the right.
 Doc likes it here too!!
 This is the communal area for our 3 bedrom apartement.  Off to the left (unseen) is a TV.  We watch movies, Friends, How I Met Your Mother and (ugh) the Bachelor.
 Our bathroom.  To shower you can turn on the overhead tap or the waist high tap and bend over to wash your hair.  OR you can fill that bucket up with boiling water and add cold water to fill it up and ladle it over yourself with the small red pitcher.  HEAVEN.
 Our kitchen.  Gas stove in the left of the picture, fridge (unseen) beside it, the white thing in the bottom right is a clothes washer that looks like a giant bread maker.
Frooto!!! (Mango juice).  The Bengali word for mango is "ahm" (because I know you were dying to find out)

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