Saturday, January 15, 2011

Girls' Day Off In The City!!!!

This past Friday was our day off, so our roommates Joy (from Holland) and Najma (from Germany) took us into Dhaka.

It was a fabulous day.  We shopped (I bought a new shalwar kameez to wear, a shawl, various bags and pillow covers), ate KFC (can you believe it?) for lunch, brownies & milkshakes for dessert and we went to the Western grocery store to buy some supplies for home.  I bought pasta & sauce, yogurt, hand soap, chips, apples and more!!

I still can't get my bearings in Dhaka and I can't remember the directions to any of the places that we went (I can barely make it around Savar, which is smaller!!) but I bought a map for the next time Katia & I go back if we don't have our lovely tour guides with us.

All in all a great day off!!!  Instead of catching the bus home (which costs about 50 cents for an hour ride) we took a cab (which costs 400 taka or  $5.75 for an hour ride - although even this was overcharging because he left the meter on and it came to 300 taka or $4.25.  You may ask yourself - why does it matter?  It only $1.25! But you quickly learn when you're traveling that it's the PRINCIPLE of the thing. :)   Joy, our seasoned barterer, tried talking him down, but to no avail.)

                On the bus to the Golshan area of Dhaka: left to right = half of Joy, Najma, me, Katia
                                                                Shopping for bangles!!!!!!!

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